Energy efficiency

Picture of a rotary controller

Source: Olivier Le Moal -

Energy efficiency describes, in general terms, the relationship between a certain benefit - such as the provision of light or heat – and the energy consumed during its generation. The less the energy required to deliver a product or service, the greater its energy efficiency [1]. High energy efficiency therefore describes the rational use of energy and thus the conservation of resources and reduction in emissions. Passive energy efficiency primarily refers to measures taken to prevent heat loss, and the use of low-consumption appliances. Active energy efficiency refers to a permanent change in energy consumption attained by measurement, monitoring and control [2].

Energy efficiency and the shift to a low-carbon economy (decarbonization) are key elements for the attainment of climate goals. In addition, the absolute energy demand must be reduced, the remaining demand covered in the long term solely by renewable energies, and optimized sector coupling ensured, i.e. the best possible integration of electric power, thermal energy and mobility [3]. Furthermore, electricity grids must be upgraded and expanded in order for the energy transformation to be completed. Energy efficiency measures also contribute to security of supply, particularly where the supply of energy is not assured.

Potential exists for energy to be saved in all sectors in which it is consumed. Considerable potential exists in the buildings sector, which is the largest generator of CO2 emissions, accounting for around 40% [4]. Electric drives in industry and the craft trades consume almost two fifths of all electricity. These drives and the equipment driven by them (in particular, compressed air appliances, pumps and fans) therefore also present considerable potential for efficiency savings [2].

  • What is accelerating this development, and what is slowing it down?

    At the end of 2023, the 28th Climate Change Conference reached an agreement that the improvement in energy efficiency should double every year [5]. Energy efficiency measures enjoy political and financial support since, together with decarbonization measures, they form the basis for the energy transition. The German Government supports companies, local authorities and private households in improving their energy balance, and promotes the use of innovative and efficient (cross-sectional) technologies in practice. Energy savings through the exploitation of recovered waste heat are also supported.

    The German Energy Efficiency Act requires public authorities, companies and data centres to take energy-saving measures in line with EU rules as of 2024. Companies with an annual consumption of 15 GWh or more are obliged to introduce energy or environmental management systems and make their energy efficiency public. In addition, companies will be required in future to avoid or utilize waste heat from production. Data centres will be subject to energy efficiency standards [6].

    Germany’s Energy Efficiency Strategy 2050 (EffSTRA) sets a 30% reduction in primary energy consumption by 2030 (from a 2008 baseline) as a national energy efficiency target, and compiles the measures required for this purpose in a National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency (NAPE 2.0). The measures concern the sectors of buildings, industry, the craft trades, commerce and services, transport and agriculture. By improving energy efficiency, the aim is not only to protect the environment and the climate, but also to promote modernization and innovation processes in all sectors, open up new markets, and improve export opportunities [7].

    The German government also supports the formation of energy efficiency networks. To date, 333 of these networks have been formed, in which industry, the craft trades and commerce combine their measures and pool expertise [8].

    Numerous efficiency measures are already being implemented in companies. In the future, the task will be to roll them out on a wide scale, with political support. Examples of these measures are: energy audits, moving data from local servers to the cloud, electrifying commercial vehicles, switching from gas boilers to heat pumps, using well-maintained heat exchangers, installing sensors and digital energy monitors to detect power consumption in standby mode, using digital twins to simulate efficiency measures without interrupting production, and implementing smart building solutions to control the power supply, lighting, blinds, heating, ventilation and air conditioning [9].

    The digital transformation is one of the most important trends for the world of work and society, and can also support energy efficiency measures. However, according to a survey conducted among companies, considerable untapped potential still exists in many sectors for digital technologies to be used to improve energy efficiency. The survey shows that as yet, companies have tended to be hesitant to use digital technologies to reduce energy consumption, particularly in the areas of buildings and production, where consumption is high. To exploit the potential of digitalization to deliver savings for private households and the economy to the full, harmonized standards and interfaces for data collection and processing must be established, and data protection issues clarified [10].

    At the same time, digital technologies themselves have a high direct energy consumption. This consumption is almost impossible to quantify accurately; studies vary widely in their estimates of the energy requirements of digital applications. A large proportion of demand is due to the sharp rise in the number of private terminal devices. Data centres and data transmission networks are also major consumers of energy, however. The energy demand of data centres is growing enormously, particularly owing to artificial intelligence (AI). According to experts, the power consumption of AI tools may rival that of entire countries [11]. However, new types of data centre ("hyperscale" data centres) can improve energy efficiency [10].

    Exploiting the efficiency enhancements offered by innovative technologies requires political will and the corresponding budgetary resources. Conversely, a lack of support, including financial, may inhibit technological development and hinder or prevent innovation [12].

    In addition to expansion of a recycling and circular economy, lightweight construction can also help to raise energy efficiency, as the lower mass of lightweight products and vehicles results in less energy being consumed.

    Finally, consumer behaviour is an important factor in efforts to save energy. Increased awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation can act as a driver; a greater need for energy in the economy as a whole owing to changes in demand, production and distribution structures can lead to efficiency improvements. Conversely, psychological and regulatory factors influencing individuals’ behaviour can prevent the anticipated efficiency potential being fully realized (rebound effect). Such an effect occurs when the increase in efficiency results in increased demand or use, thereby reducing the actual savings [13].

  • Who is affected?

    Efforts to improve energy efficiency have an impact on all sectors. The following economic sectors are strongly affected, owing to their high energy demand, new technologies or the implementation of policy-driven energy efficiency rules: the power generation and distribution industry, construction industry, raw materials and building materials industry, electrical industry, chemical industry, waste management, information technologies, energy-intensive industries (e.g. foundries, production of glass, glassware and ceramics, production of baked foods, printing and paper processing).

  • Examples (only in german)
  • What do these developments mean for workers’ safety and health?

    Energy efficiency measures affect workers’ safety and health in two ways. Firstly, workplaces and the people working at them are themselves affected by such measures, such as when changes are made to buildings for the installation of thermal insulation, when new lighting, heating and air conditioning concepts are applied, or when energy-efficient electrical systems and appliances are used. Secondly, the German government’s long-term renovation strategy - an important instrument for increasing energy efficiency in the buildings sector - is leading to an increase in exposure and risks for workers, particularly in the construction sector, as a result of construction activities in legacy buildings [14].

    In particular, contact with asbestos is possible in all buildings constructed, developed or modernized before the substance was banned on 31 October 1993. Asbestos may be found in numerous construction materials, such as plasters, fillers and tile adhesives and also in construction chemicals such as putty; high concentrations of asbestos fibres in the breathing air must be anticipated in particular when work is performed on surfaces. Although strict protective measures apply to activities in buildings contaminated with asbestos, these measures are not universally known and are often inadequately implemented [15].

    Renovation work on legacy buildings may lead to exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which were used until the 1970s as plasticizers in permanently elastic joint sealants, as flame retardants in coatings and paints and as additives for lubricants and fillers. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), legacy mineral wool or wood preservatives may also pose a hazard [16]. In industrial plants, in particular, a risk exists of contact with other critical substances.

    The following energy efficiency measures directly affect workers:

    • Thermal insulation measures can lead to exposure to hazardous substances through emissions in indoor areas. For this reason, only materials approved for use as construction products should be used. The use of windows and thermal wall insulation materials with high insulating properties may significantly increase humidity; constantly high humidity levels may allow mould to arise where condensation forms on surfaces. Limit values for the mould concentration in the air do not exist. As in other buildings, mould infestation in energy-efficient buildings can be avoided by appropriate ventilation measures [17].
    • Room lighting and the associated systems have a significant influence on visual performance, occupational safety and the well-being of employees in indoor areas. Good lighting promotes concentration and prevents premature fatigue; glare, however must be prevented. This must be taken into account during selection of energy-efficient LED lighting and the safe design of demand-based room lighting (On/Off and dimming modes) [18].
    • The use of shade systems prevents glare and has a regulating effect on the indoor climate, particularly in the warmer months of the year; this in turn enables the use of air conditioning to be reduced, and saves energy. At the same time, adequate illuminance must be ensured.
    • Potential exists for savings to be made in the use of heating and air conditioning; these savings must, however, be balanced against safety and health requirements. For example, the minimum values for the room temperature set out in the German ASR A3.5 Technical Rules for Workplaces differ according to the arduousness of the work [18].
    • In the electrical field, energy efficiency measures may offer other benefits: the growing use of extra-low voltage and bus systems for energy savings reduces the risk of electric shock to users and it may be possible to dispense with protective measures altogether. New energy-efficient tools with reduced power consumption also generally pose a lower risk of injury, owing to their lower torques, lower temperatures and reduced noise [18].

    Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to identify potential for efficiency improvements in the buildings sector and in industrial installations. AI processes continually monitor, analyse and evaluate the energy and consumption data of installations, taking resources and influencing factors (such as temperature) into account. This reveals potential for optimization and enables efficiency measures to be implemented. Successful use of AI in energy management requires employees to be skilled in dealing with AI and machine learning [19], to prevent these technologies from giving rise to safety risks or overtaxing employees.

    Green coding, i.e. efforts to reduce the energy consumption of digital systems and promote sustainable software development, also has potential to make networked systems less susceptible to cybercrime.

    Energy harvesting (EH) refers to the recovery of small quantities of electrical energy from the environment. Temperature differences, vibration, waste heat, light irradiation and air currents can be exploited for this purpose. This electrical energy can be used directly to supply small electronic systems. Batteries can then be dispensed with, or their use reduced to a minimum [20]. As yet, EH permits only small efficiency gains; it usually requires custom technologies for the area of application concerned, and the complexity of the processes requires special expertise; the risks to users generally appear to be low, owing to the small quantities of energy involved, even if workers with implantable biomedical devices will be affected by EH in the future and, for example, will wear pacemakers without a battery [21].

  • What observations have been made for occupational safety and health, and what is the outlook?
    • Many technologies for increasing energy efficiency have become established, the risks they present to workers are known, and preventive measures are in place.
    • Efforts to improve energy efficiency concern all sectors and will lead to changes in products, services, procedures and work processes. Safety and health professionals should monitor the development of new technologies to improve energy efficiency and ensure that aspects of safe and healthy work are considered from the outset.
    • Synergies between occupational safety and health and energy efficiency measures are possible. For example, good energy efficiency can contribute to improved climate conditions in buildings. Conversely, regular (mandatory) inspections of the electrical operational safety of appliances and systems entailing measurement, monitoring and control of their energy consumption can also improve efficiency.
    • Construction work in legacy buildings and the associated risks presented by asbestos are becoming increasingly important, and workers without sufficient knowledge of the situation on site are still coming into contact with the substance. Prevention services must continue to raise awareness of this issue and ensure compliance with the protective measures.
    • In the interests of digital approaches to improving energy efficiency being adopted more widely, workers’ digital skills must be enhanced, so that the pressure to innovate does not lead to overtaxing and mental stress. A particular focus is placed here on SMEs, which are lagging behind in implementing measures for digitalization and improving energy efficiency.
  • Sources (in German only))

    [1] Was bedeutet "Energieeffizienz"? Hrsg.: Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau 2013 (abgerufen am 29.11.2023)

    [2] Energieeffizienz und Betriebssicherheit – eine Win-Win-Situation für Unternehmen. Hrsg.: Deutsche Prüfservice GmbH, Erkrath 2021 (abgerufen am 15.09.2023)

    [3] Sektorkopplung: Alles mit allem verbinden. Hrsg.: Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), Berlin 2023 (abgerufen am 29.11.2023)

    [4] dena-Gebäudereport 2024: Klimaschutz im Gebäudebestand – rasches Handeln ist dringend erforderlich. Hrsg.: Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena), Berlin 2023 (abgerufen am 6.12.2023)

    [5] Weltklimakonferenz einigt sich auf Abschlusserklärung. Hrsg.: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Frankfurt 2023 (abgerufen am 18.12.2023)

    [6] Energieeffizienzgesetz der Regierung stößt auf Lob und Kritik. Hrsg.: Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin 2023 (abgerufen am 15.9.2023)

    [7] Energieeffizienzstrategie 2050. Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Berlin 2019 (abgerufen am 29.11.2023)

    [8] Energieeffizienz - Unverzichtbar für das Gelingen der Energiewende. Hrsg.: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin 2023 (abgerufen am 15.9.2023)

    [9] Energieeffizienz ist der beste Weg zur Senkung von Kosten und Emissionen in der Industrie. Hrsg.: ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd, Zürich 2022 (abgerufen am 20.9.2023)

    [10] Digitalisierung und Energieeffizienz. Hrsg.: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln e.V., Köln 2020 (abgerufen am 29.11.2023)

    [11] Wie stark der Stromverbrauch durch KI steigt. Hrsg.: Norddeutscher Rundfunk, Hamburg 2023 (abgerufen am 7.12.2023)

    [12] Haushaltskrise - Ein Urteil und seine Folgen. Hrsg.: Deutschlandradio, Köln 2023 (abgerufen am 1.12.2022)

    [13] Energieeffizienz in Zahlen. (non-accessible) Hrsg.: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz, Bonn 2021

    [14] Langfristige Renovierungsstrategie der Bundesregierung. (non-accessible) Hrsg.: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Berlin 2020 (abgerufen am 4.12.2023)

    [15] Asbest beim Bauen im Bestand. Hrsg.: BG BAU - Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Berlin 2023 (abgerufen am 1.12.2023)

    [16] Schadstoffe im Baubestand vor und während einer Sanierung erkennen. Hrsg.: RM Rudolf Müller Medien GmbH & Co. KG, Köln 2014 (abgerufen am 18.12.2023)

    [17] Häufige Fragen bei Schimmelbefall. Hrsg.: Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau 2022 (abgerufen am 18.9.2023)

    [18] Warum Energiesparen den Arbeitsschutz verbessern kann. Hrsg.: TÜV Thüringen e.V., Erfurt 2023 (abgerufen am 15.9.2023)

    [19] Energieeffizienz für Gebäude und Industrie – KI im Energiemanagement. Hrsg.: TÜV Akademie GmbH, Erfurt 2022 (abgerufen am 15.9.2023)

    [20] Energy Harvesting: Kleine Quelle – Große Wirkung. Hrsg.: Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS, Nürnberg 2023 (abgerufen am 15.9.2023)

    [21] Energy Harvesting – Die Zukunft braucht keine Akkus. Hrsg.: Utopia GmbH, München 2020 (abgerufen am 1.12.2023)


Dipl.-Psych. Angelika Hauke

Work Systems of the Future

Tel: +49 30 13001-3633

Dipl.-Übers. Ina Neitzner

Work Systems of the Future

Tel: +49 30 13001-3630
Fax: +49 30 13001-38001