completed 07/2001
Investigating acute effects of organic solvents is normally done on single solvents. In practice mixtures are used, causing possible interactions of the components.
12 test subjects were exposed in an exposure chamber at controlled conditions; biological monitoring, neurophysiological (quantitative analysis of EEG) and psychological tests.
No additional effects of mixture-components; subclinical central nervous effects proven; significant reduction of vigilance from n-heptane exposition at 500 ppm (german threshold limit value MAK).
Muttray, A.; Martus, P.; Schachtrup, S.; Müller, E.; Mayer-Popken, O.; Konietzko, J.: Acute exposure to a mixture containing toluene decreases a2-power in the human EEG. 8th international symposium on neurobehavioral methods and effects in occupational and environmental health. Brescia, 23.-26.06.2002, Congress Report
Muttray, A.; Martus, P.; Schachtrup, S.; Müller, E.; Mayer-Popken, O.; Konietzko, J.: Acute effects of an organic solvent mixture on the human central nervous system (PDF, 118 kB, non-accessible) . Eur. J. Med. Res. (2005) No. 10, pp. 381-388
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances
Catchwords:Lösungsmittel, Toxikologie, Grenzwert
Description, key words:acute effects of mixtures of organic solvents on the human central nervous system