completed 12/1996
§ 20, Abs. 2 of the 1989 Health Care Reform Act calls for co- operation between the institutions responsible for health and accident insurance to determine and combat multi-factor work- related health risks. Goal: the model implementation of article 20, § 2 Health Reform Act; systematic bringing together of secondary health insurance and accident insurance data as well as company information regarding illnesses and exposures at the work place; determining statistical occurrence of types of illness/occupational groups and comparison with exposure parameters; derivation of specific health protection measures; preparation of a prospective epidemiological study (drawing up of hypotheses); development of co-operative prevention strategies for health insurances, German Berufsgenossenschaften (institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention) and work protection at the work place.
Retrospective data analysis for a selected area (hot band) in the steel industry (sickness fund data, notice of occupational diseases and accidents 1989 to 1993), work place analyses, survey.
Bellwinkel, M.; Chruscz, D.; Schumann, J.: Neue Wege der Prävention arbeitsbedingter Erkrankungen - Eine integrierte Analyse von Sozialversicherungs- und Betriebsdaten. Hrsg.: Bundesverband der Betriebskrankenkassen, NW-Verlag 1997
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren
Catchwords:Gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen und Störungen, Unfallversicherungsträger, Informationssystem
Description, key words:Secondary data analyses of morbidity and multiple exposure of steel industry workers based on illness and accident insurance, development of a co-operative approach between statutory illness and accident insurance and those responsible for OSH in the companies