The first objective of the joint project is to establish biomonitoring methods for the characterisation of occupational exposure to epoxy resin components. Using the methods, which are to be optimised in particular with regard to sampling times, the exposure to frequently used resin and hardener components will be investigated by means of urinary metabolites of the working substances. The aim of the measurements is to describe the current exposure situation in different sectors in more detail and to identify workplaces and/or activities associated with high exposure. At the same time, questionnaires will be used to assess workplace conditions that may influence exposure. The data obtained can provide a basis for improving protection concepts. In addition, it is planned to derive assessment values to enable an evaluation of biomonitoring results.
The first part of the project, consisting of three sections, will investigate appropriate sampling times for biomonitoring using a collective of 30 flooring workers. Urine samples will be collected before and after each shift on each working day over a full working week. The samples will be analysed for metabolites of the amine curing agents IPDA and XDA and for metabolites of the resin components BADGE and BFDGE. In parallel with the urine sampling, a questionnaire will be used to assess workplace conditions that may affect exposure, such as protective measures. Using the tools developed in the first part of the project, further studies will be conducted with a total of 300 workers representing different fields of epoxy handling. The workplaces to be investigated will be selected by the project advisory board. Based on the previously collected data, assessment values to evaluate internal exposure to epoxy components will be derived. As a reference point for the exposure found under current best practice conditions, these can be used to optimise protective measures when handling epoxy resins.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:biological agents, -various
Catchwords:working environment (load, hazards, exposure, risks), biological agents, prevention
Description, key words:biomonitoring, epoxy resin