completed 09/2001
During the production and processing of bitumen or products containing bitumen (asphalt), employees may be exposed to the vapours and aerosols emitted by these products. The objective of this project was the drafting of BG/BIA recommendations for the "measurement and assessment of hazards posed by hazardous substances at the workplace: procedure- and substance-oriented criteria for workplace monitoring" (Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances TRGS 420, Appendix 2) for the description of working conditions which permit adherence to limit values and thus simplification of diagnosis and withdrawal from the surveillance scheme.
Exposure measurements were performed at the affected workplaces in the chemical industry (manufacturing), the construction sector and in roadbuilding (processing) within the scope of the BG hazardous substances measurement system (BGMG).
The BG/BIA recommendations describe the technical, organizational and personal protective measures required for observance of the limit values for bitumen (vapours and aerosols) and for avoidance of impermissible exposure of employees by means of personal protective equipment. The recommendations have been revised and published in the BIA Folder.
Further informations:
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen, Gefahrstoffe
Catchwords:Chemische Arbeitsstoffe, Arbeitsumwelt (Belastungen, Gefährdungen, Expositionen, Risiken), Exposition
Description, key words:bitumen, vapours and aerosols, benzo[a]pyrene, asphalt, rolled asphalt, bitumen webs, exposure measurements