completed 12/2007
The 83rd conference of the German regional ministers of labour and social affairs (ASMK) has mandated LASI (the Commission for occupational safety and safety engineering of the German regional governments) among other things with the task of developing specific proposals for common OHS targets, in co-operation with the German national government and the accident insurance bodies and with the involvement of the relevant parties to occupational health and safety, particularly the social partners. In the process, key points for implementation of the targets in programmes of action and a detailed concept document were to be defined and developed. Reasoned suggestions for common OHS targets and prioritized areas of activity were to be presented by the 84th ASMK in 2007 for the formulation of resolutions.
The principles and the outline conditions have been set out in the resolutions for the Common German OHS Strategy (GDA) passed on 12 September 2006 and 30 June 2006 (detailed concept document). According to these resolutions, OHS targets must on the one hand be based upon verifiable scientific and empirical data, and on the other involve the practical experience and findings of the bodies responsible for the GDA. In order for the identified targets to be acceptable to all parties concerned, a pragmatic and participative approach must be applied for the compilation, discussion and definition of the GDA OHS targets.
The following procedure was employed for identification of possible OHS targets and for definition of the final OHS targets and of possible areas of activity: definition of criteria to be applied for the evaluation and prioritization of possible OHS targets (prioritization procedure), identification of suitable sources of data and their evaluation, initial systematic summary of the possible OHS targets from the perspective of the parties responsible for the GDA, discussion with the social partners of the OHS targets based upon this summary, evaluation of the possible OHS targets in consideration of the criteria and definition of the priorities, discussion of the OHS targets with the national OHS forum (NAF), definition of the binding OHS targets, areas of activity and key points for programmes of action by the national OHS conference (NAK), and corresponding written agreements between the parties concerned.
An internal working group was formed within the DGUV in order to ensure close co-ordination with its prevention officers.
In consultation with the social partners, the following OHS targets were identified by the parties responsible for the GDA: reduction in the frequency and severity of occupational accidents (OA), reduction in the frequency and severity of musculoskeletal stress and disorders (MSD), reduction in the frequency and severity of skin diseases (SKIN). The first two targets are to be pursued in conjunction with reduction of mental strain and promotion of the systematic safeguarding of occupational safety and health within companies.
Common areas of activity in the OA target are construction and fitting work, logistics, transport and traffic (including within companies) and new employees within companies, e.g. new entrants to professions, adopters of new professions, temporary employees and subcontractors. Implementation of these areas of activity should focus upon the dissemination and promotion of systematic approaches and gearing of them to SMEs.
Common areas of activity for the MSD target are the health services and tasks involving imbalanced stress or a lack of movement. Implementation of these areas of activity should focus upon the dissemination and promotion of systematic approaches and gearing of them to SMEs. Design of the workplace with regard to ergonomic considerations and the age of the worker must in particular be considered here, as must the inclusion of mental strain.
Common areas of activity in the SKIN target are work with or in damp environments (wet work) and contact with substances harmful to the skin (e.g. cooling lubricants, engine oils, organic solvents, cleaning agents). Implementation of these areas of activity should in particular be geared to SMEs and consider the substitution of substances.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:-various
Catchwords:Prävention, Unfallversicherungsträger
Description, key words:Common German OHS Strategy (GDA), occupational safety and health targets, common areas of activity, assessment criteria, prioritization of targets, optimization of the dual occupational safety and health system
Rentrop, M.: Gemeinsame Deutsche Arbeitsschutzstrategie - GDA. die BG (2008) Nr. 2, S. 46-48 und 54-55
Zakrewski, I.: Gemeinsame Deutsche Arbeitschutzstrategie - GDA. die BG (2008) Nr. 2, S. 56-58