Source: ISSA
The International Social Security Association (ISSA) launched the global campaign for Vision Zero at the XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017. ISSA President Dr Joachim Breuer and ISSA Secretary General Hans-Horst Konkolewsky presented the new campaign to international experts in Singapore on 4 September 2017.
The European launch of the Vision Zero campaign was kicked off at the A+A 2017 Congress in Düsseldorf on 17 October as part of a joint event between ISSA, the DGUV and the Joint German OSH Strategy.
Report on the launch of ISSA’s Vision Zero campaign in Düsseldorf. (PDF, 111 kB, non-accessible)
The Vision Zero Prevention Strategy and 7 Golden Rules developed as success factors by the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for raw materials and chemical industry (BG RCI) and the ISSA Mining Section have been adopted as a global approach. All 13 of ISSA’s Prevention Sections are on board and are actively supporting the campaign, which means that it will reach all sectors and other important ISSA areas such as information, education and training. On behalf of its more than 320 member organisations from 156 countries, ISSA is committed to a world without accidents, occupational diseases and harm at work, as well as ensuring a healthy workplace. The focus of the Vision Zero approach is on safety, health and well-being, based on the 7 Golden Rules.
Website and resources for the ISSA Vision Zero campaign
The new website for the Vision Zero campaign allows ISSA to promote its message and provides tools to anyone who wishes to implement the Vision Zero prevention strategy. The resources section of the Vision Zero website includes guides, PowerPoint presentations and videos. The site also offers the opportunity to register as a partner; receive training materials for courses and seminars on Vision Zero; and read success stories about Vision Zero. The website is currently available in four languages, and the Vision Zero guides are in seven languages. Further languages will be added.
For more information about ISSA’s global campaign for Vision Zero:
ISSA’s VISION ZERO global campaign
International partners are committed to Vision Zero
Companies such as Siemens, Rolls Royce, Keppel Offshore & Marine and Boehringer Ingelheim are among the well-known Vision Zero partners and first signatories of the campaign. The World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US OSHA) and the United States Department of Labour are also committed to Vision Zero. The DGUV was one of the first organisations to promote Vision Zero nationally and internationally. As such, the DGUV and many of the German social accident insurance institutions are among the first supporters of the global campaign for Vision Zero in a rapidly expanding global community.
Join us and support Vision Zero as a company, institution or individual by registering on the new website. You’ll then receive access to exclusive downloadable content.
For more information: