Source: moodboard -
The German Social Accident Insurance has run campaigns regularly since 2003 in order to support the attainment of prevention objectives. Within these campaigns, public information work and the prevention services focus on specific issues. The prevention campaigns are intended to contribute to reducing occupational accidents and diseases and work-related health hazards over the medium and longer term.
The campaigns generally run for two years and consist of an umbrella campaign and campaigns by the individual statutory accident insurance institutions. The umbrella campaign is the part of the campaign run jointly by the accident insurance institutions; it primarily involves media. The campaigns run by individual accident insurance institutions are geared to specific target groups and sectors of trade and industry. The technical and communication concepts of the umbrella campaigns and the campaigns by the individual accident insurance institutions are closely linked. Further partners are also involved who support and disseminate the campaign and its objectives.
The campaigns conducted successfully in recent years, "On the Right Foot", "Your skin – the most important 2m² in your life", "Fight the Risk!" and "Think of me. Love, your back" have shown campaigns to be an effective prevention method.