Source: DGUV Dr. Timm/Dr. Bochmann
The DGUV has been an official partner of the European initiative Socieux+ since 2018. Socieux+ supports and funds measures to establish inclusive social insurance systems in Africa, Asia and Latin America by conveying the expertise of European experts.
The Workers Compensation Fund (WCF) Tanzania contacted Socieux+ for support in the development of a rehabilitation strategy. Following a needs analysis, Socieux+ enabled peer-to-peer consultations to take place for the development of a rehabilitation strategy as well as the training of around 25 participants in rehabilitation management and workplace health and safety. Experts from the DGUV University of Applied Sciences (HGU), the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the Administrative Sector (VBG) and the Social Accident Insurance Institution for Local Authorities in the Oldenburg region (GUV Oldenburg), as well as an occupational physician from the Netherlands and an accident prevention specialist from Lithuania, all took part.
Partly in parallel to the activities in Tanzania, a training programme in the field of occupational health and safety was held in Nigeria for over 50 participants from the Lagos State Safety Commission and the Safety Advocacy and Empowerment Foundation. This initiative was likewise funded through Socieux+. Accident prevention specialists from the DGUV, the Institute for Work and Health of the DGUV (IAG) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) helped convey knowledge and skills on the principles of accident prevention, workplace safety management, the Vision Zero strategy and, together with the German Road Safety Council, possibilities of increasing road safety.