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Project registry
Research Network PEROSH
Project registry
Research projects of the German institutions for social accident insurance
Requirements for multi-purpose controls (joysticks)
Project No.: BGAG0100
QdP Management Organization Coordination
Project No.: BGAG480006
Creation of a system of workplace types and analysis of them in terms of reduced performance
Project No.: BGAG480019
Study of a pictogram for the marking of fall arresters in horizontal use
Project No.: BGAG480020
SITA evaluation of an electronic instruction system
Project No.: BGAG480037
Validation of a quick check for measurement of mental stress among teachers (based upon the BAAM procedure)
Project No.: BGAG480047
The effects of prevention campaigns: effectiveness and benefits
Project No.: BGAG480053
Evaluation of the BGV A2
Project No.: BGAG480299
iga: My next occupation - personnel development for occupations of limited duration
Project No.: BGAG484004
IGAcheck for work-related requirements, exposures and hazards
Project No.: BGAG484009
IGA scope for transfer of findings from advertising to prevention
Project No.: BGAG484010
Literature study to the heart rate variability
Project No.: BGAG490000
Evaluation of highway posters by look movement analyses
Project No.: BGAG490001
Economic loss caused by business disruption
Project No.: BGAG7600100604
Mental stress and stress prevention among female sales staff in meat-processing businesses
Project No.: BGAG7600100608
Scale, importance, and relevance to companies of mental stress at work
Project No.: BGAG7600100609
Barrier-free Internet: analysis of eye movement during Internet use by older employees
Project No.: BGAG7600100611
On The Right Foot: development of a model for the origin of tripping, slipping and falling accidents
Project No.: BGAG7600100612
"On The Right Foot" assessment of behavioural change among participants in short training courses
Project No.: BGAG7600100614
Evaluation of stress-prevention training
Project No.: BGAG7600100615
Exposure to hand-arm vibration caused by woodworking machines
Project No.: BGAG7600100620
The effects of modern management strategies upon employee health
Project No.: BGAG7600100654
Evaluation of the readability of standard letters by the BGs to insured individuals
Project No.: BGAG7600100728
Development of prevention targets
Project No.: BGAG7600100729
Evaluation of an advertising campaign for insured businesses
Project No.: BGAG7600100736
The influence of head-up displays upon driving be
Project No.: BGAG7600100775
Analysis and assessment of loads and strains during construction work as determinants of typical occupational back complaints in concrete workers and plasterers
Project No.: BGBA#004
Multi-disciplinary cross sectional study on the effects of exposure to typical occupational work materials on the health of painters long employed in the trade
Project No.: BGBA#012
Biomonitoring after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and other residues of combustion
Project No.: BGBA#015
Risk group older employees in the construction industry - level II - inability to work and incapacity in selected construction industry jobs
Project No.: BGBA#016
Investigation of the tear-off behaviour of hand-vacuum lifters for plates of glass
Project No.: BGBA#018
The ergonomic development and creation of selected tools for floor tiling work
Project No.: BGBA#020
Epidemiological follow-up study on cancer mortality in arc welders exposed to chrome-nickel
Project No.: BGEM#015
Investigations into the production of dangerous substances during inert gas metal arc welding of nickel and nickel based alloys
Project No.: BGEM#017
Risks of cancer through welding smoke containing chromate- and nickel
Project No.: BGEM#018
Investigation and analysis of spinal strain based on occupational groups from the metal industry
Project No.: BGEM#019
Investigation into the characterisation of emissions during the welding of coated metal sheets in shipbuilding
Project No.: BGEM#024
Latex allergies - standardization of the allergen quantification in products and air samples obtained from the workplaces and the prevention of the hypersensitivity reaction due to latex
Project No.: BGFAALL007
Occupational diseases at the Mansfeld copper mining industry
Project No.: BGFAEPID/MED010
Respiratory symptoms due to endotoxines in the textile industry
Project No.: BGFAMED/IMM010
Comparison of the methacholine challenge recommended for prevention with an internationally recommended test
Project No.: BGFAMED020
Toxicity of glycol ethers
Project No.: BGFATOX006
Work-related diseases in copper miners of the Mansfeld region
Project No.: BGFA11
Prognosis of latex allergy - Quality of life and working conditions of employees with latex allergy (LABeL-study)
Project No.: BGFA18
Protein Difference Analysis and the Determination and Identification of Biomarkers of Early Disease
Project No.: BGFA24
Metabolism of Aromatic Amines and Their Derivatives Using beta-Naphthylamine and Phenyl-beta-naphthylamine as Model Compounds in Rubber Industry
Project No.: BGFA44
Wet work activities – detection of skin irritation signs
Project No.: BGFA51
Benzene: Immunosuppressive Effects and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Project No.: BGFA54
Epidemiological intervention study: injury reduction
Project No.: BGIA0072
Non-contact protective device for finger detection on circular saws
Project No.: BGIA0073
Three-dimensional measurement facility for the surveying of overhead lines
Project No.: BGIA0079
Implementation of BG research projects in practice
Project No.: BGIA0082
Topic Centre Work Environment (TCWE)
Project No.: BGIA0084
Quality assessment of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) programs
Project No.: BGIA0085
Topic Center Risk Observatory: creation of a risk observatory at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Project No.: BGIA0086
Warning facility for bone bandsaws
Project No.: BGIA0088
OHS targets and areas of activity for the Common German OHS strategy (GDA)
Project No.: BGIA0089
Topic Centre Occupational Safety and Health 2009
Project No.: BGIA0090
Epidemiological evidence quartz, silicosis and lung cancer (II): Chinese cohort study, re-analysis
Project No.: BGIA1074
Up-to-date epidemiological results for carpal tunnel syndrome in connection with occupation
Project No.: BGIA1075
Limit value for wood dust
Project No.: BGIA1078
Quartz exposure at the workplace
Project No.: BGIA1082
Meta-analysis of the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of measures for the prevention of needlestick injuries to health care workers
Project No.: BGIA1083
Sensitizing potency of epoxy resin components in the local lymph node assay (LLNA)
Project No.: BGIA1084
Climatic measurements in the BGMG hazardous substances measurement system: systematic recording of data and reporting
Project No.: BGIA1085
The use of air purifiers operating on the electric discharge principle
Project No.: BGIA1086
Documentation and searches in BGMG-DOK
Project No.: BGIA1089
Feasibility study: Epidemiological case control study for risk assessment of frequency dependent occupational hand arm vibrations
Project No.: BGIA1092
Limit value for wood dust (II): exposure, epidemiology, and definition of the limit value
Project No.: BGIA1094
Simple model for measurement and evaluation of the exposure to substance mixtures at the workplace
Project No.: BGIA1095
Evaluation of the TNO "Stoffenmanager" with MEGA exposure data
Project No.: BGIA1096
Design of mobile computer-aided workplaces
Project No.: BGIA1097
Quality in prevention, Sub-project 8, "Investigation"
Project No.: BGIA1098
Database of mental stresses
Project No.: BGIA1099
Data collection and data transferring inside the MGU with ultrafine particles
Project No.: BGIA1100
Impact on occupational safety and health in Europe of the increasing use of portable computing and communication equipment
Project No.: BGIA1102
Sensitivity of older persons to hazardous substances
Project No.: BGIA1103
"Benzene years" medical history software
Project No.: BGIA1104
Prefilter for coarsely dispersed dust particles
Project No.: BGIA2047
Analysis of humidified water and other material samples by two different methods for endotoxin measurement
Project No.: BGIA2053
Comparison of two different laboratory systems for the identification of bacteria isolates
Project No.: BGIA2055
Determination of the soluble portion of dust
Project No.: BGIA2058
Development of a new bioaerosol sampler employing the impingement process
Project No.: BGIA2059
Analyses of thermally treated asbestos cement
Project No.: BGIA2060
Revision of the "fibre years" report (cumulative asbestos fibre dose)
Project No.: BGIA2061
Analytical method for measurement of trichloramine
Project No.: BGIA2062
Study of powder stains used in the 1950s until the 1970s with regard to their content of azo dyes
Project No.: BGIA2063
Hygienic aspects of wearing disposable gloves when selling food at refrigerated counters
Project No.: BGIA2064
Production of test gases for low-volatility substances on a dynamic test gas stream facility
Project No.: BGIA2065
The use of Carbotrap thermal desorption tubes for measurement of volatile and very volatile organic compounds
Project No.: BGIA2066
Reconstruction of workplace exposure during the welding of rail joints
Project No.: BGIA2067
Identification of method metrics for VOC measurements by means of the test gas stream
Project No.: BGIA2068
Identification of legionella by means of fluorescence microscopy
Project No.: BGIA2069
Method for the measurement of lead in the vicinity of lead-glass furnaces
Project No.: BGIA2072
Sensitizing effect of mould and mites during building redevelopment
Project No.: BGIA2073
Passive smoking: measurement of acrylonitrile and nicotine in working areas
Project No.: BGIA2074
Measurement of isomeric nitrotoluenes by means of silica gel tubes and GC/ECD
Project No.: BGIA2075
Hairdressing chemicals/protective gloves
Project No.: BGIA3084
Evaluation of the PGP-EA aerosol sampler by means of welding fume measurements
Project No.: BGIA3086
Hazard assessment and protective measures at workplaces involving manual filling and weighing-out processes
Project No.: BGIA3091
Exhaust and filtration of metal working fluids emissions on machine tools
Project No.: BGIA3093
Protective measures relating to the handling of styrene
Project No.: BGIA3094
Test method for in-situ measurement of penetration by chemical substances of chemical gloves
Project No.: BGIA3095
The use of vortex hoods in masonry work (dust collection)
Project No.: BGIA3100
The use of mobile humidifiers in office areas
Project No.: BGIA3101
Study of surgical face mask products according to criteria for respiratory protective devices
Project No.: BGIA3102
Monitoring strategies for workplaces with handling of nanoparticles
Project No.: BGIA3103
Emissions of hazardous substances from propellants employed in stud guns
Project No.: BGIA3104
Risk assessment of tasks involving styrene
Project No.: BGIA3105
Test facility for metal working fluid filters
Project No.: BGIA3106
Chromate exposure during spray painting with spray cans
Project No.: BGIA3107
Duration of wear of protective gloves under field conditions: validation of the method
Project No.: BGIA3110
Explosion hazards during the blasting of metals
Project No.: BGIA3111
Container freight information portal
Project No.: BGIA3113
Development of a simple air change rate measurement system
Project No.: BGIA3115
Hand-arm vibrations and coupling forces: measurement methods
Project No.: BGIA4098
CUELA Introductory Project
Project No.: BGIA4103
Creation of a "spinal stress" database modelled on the OMEGA system
Project No.: BGIA4104
Exposure assessment within the so-called German Spine Study - EPILIFT
Project No.: BGIA4105
Musculo-skeletal stress suffered by linemen
Project No.: BGIA4107
Vibration excitation on pist groomers
Project No.: BGIA4109
Noise impact at workplaces on construction sites (V)
Project No.: BGIA4110
Exposure of bus drivers to vibration
Project No.: BGIA4113
Extension of the ergonomics laboratory for the measurement of internal musculo-skeletal stresses
Project No.: BGIA4115
Vibration exposure at workplaces: an overview
Project No.: BGIA4116
Opportunities for analysis presented by the OMEGA noise emissions data collected at the BGIA
Project No.: BGIA4117
Suitability of sunscreen products for the prevention of skin cancer
Project No.: BGIA4118
Sound attenuation of hearing protectors in workplaces II
Project No.: BGIA4119
Electromanetic fields on hand held spot-welding guns
Project No.: BGIA4120
A comparison between assessment methods for whole-body vibration: preliminary study
Project No.: BGIA4121
Noise abatement materials in call centres
Project No.: BGIA4122
CUELA service project
Project No.: BGIA4123
Guidance document for the avoidance of musculoskeletal stress amongst interior designers
Project No.: BGIA4124
Ergonomics at assembly workplaces
Project No.: BGIA4125
Noise impact at workplaces on construction sites (VI)
Project No.: BGIA4127
Musculo-skeletal disease of the upper extremities, and vocational activity
Project No.: BGIA4128
Feasibility study into a European database of personal protective equipment
Project No.: BGIA4129
Ergonomic study of special seat products for office and VDU workplaces
Project No.: BGIA4130
Ergonomic requirements for computer input devices
Project No.: BGIA4131
OMEGA Database "Musculo-skeletal strains - prevention"
Project No.: BGIA4133
EU guide to protection against vibration
Project No.: BGIA4134
Vibration impact of manually guided equipment in the woodworking industry
Project No.: BGIA4135
Simultaneous measurement of whole-body vibration and posture
Project No.: BGIA4136
Exposure data on ototoxic hazardous substances and noise
Project No.: BGIA4137
Measured value register of knee stress work activities (GonKatast)
Project No.: BGIA4138
Availability and efficacy of anti-vibration safety gloves - preliminary study
Project No.: BGIA4139
Evaluation and interpretation of the "German Spine Study" (EPILIFT)
Project No.: BGIA4140
The force atlas for assembly operations I
Project No.: BGIA4141
Loading on the knee joint during kneeling and squatting
Project No.: BGIA4145
Efficacy of absorber elements in meat-processing
Project No.: BGIA4146
Re-analysis of and amendments to the epidemiological study of whole-body vibration (BIA Project 4050)
Project No.: BGIA4147
Feasibility study into use of the CUELA system for assessment of musculoskeletal stress in milking parlours
Project No.: BGIA4148
Physical stress profiles at point-of-sale workplaces
Project No.: BGIA4150
Evaluation of an ergonomically designed ironing workstation
Project No.: BGIA4151
Guide to "ergonomics and office chairs" for use in the field
Project No.: BGIA4175
Bypassing of protective devices on machinery
Project No.: BGIA5089
Safety of power-operated revolving doors
Project No.: BGIA5092
Straightforward analysis of the probability of failure of safety-related control systems
Project No.: BGIA5093
Decelerometer for goods vehicle seat-belt sleds
Project No.: BGIA5094
Guideline for assessment of "safety-related programmable control systems for universal usage in the event business" (SPCUE)
Project No.: BGIA5095
SISTEMA program for the design of safe machine control systems
Project No.: BGIA5097
"ZuverSicht" – efficient enhancement of the reliability of safety-critical mechatronic systems
Project No.: BGIA5098
Practical assistance on the revised standard for controls
Project No.: BGIA5101
Safety-related parts of control systems
Project No.: BGIA5102
Codes of practice for rescue procedures on aerial railways
Project No.: BGIA5103
Research on risks of injury at assisting robots
Project No.: BGIA5105
Collaborative Programme Occupation and Health
Project No.: BGZ0001
Integrative Programme Occupation and Health
Project No.: BGZ0002
Nephrotoxicity of donarit
Project No.: BG01#023
Assessment of the deployment of a hammer device in mine rescue training from a biomechanical point of view relative to strain on the lumbar vertebral column
Project No.: BG01#024
The influence of electromagnetic fields on explosive equipment
Project No.: BG02#001
Development of new models to organise internal company work protection systems and their interfaces to the general work protection system in companies operating in the new federal Laender in areas covered by the mechanical engineering and metalworking industry-BG
Project No.: BG06#004
Health reporting and promotion in small businesses in the metal industry
Project No.: BG08#009
Heidelberg dioxin study
Project No.: BG09#001
Investigation of fall geometry and the expected strains on the human body when falling whilst wearing safety harnesses and development of a catching harness, the wearing of which is more readily accepted
Project No.: BG10#014
Incidence of tumours in animal tests
Project No.: BG10#016
Drawing up a programme for the numerical simulation of electrophysiological processes in heart muscle cells
Project No.: BG10#017
Development of a catching harness with a higher degree of acceptance
Project No.: BG10#018
Epidemiological investigation into the question of a possible risk of cancer through contact with cooling lubricants
Project No.: BG10#020
The influence which the chronic exposure of rats to an alternating 50-Hz-magnetic field has on activating immunological response in their lymphocytes
Project No.: BG10#021
Investigations into protection from explosion when using cooling lubricants in machine tools
Project No.: BG10#029
Strains and effects of exposure of gem cutters to metal compounds
Project No.: BG10#030
Computer simulation of the spread of heart muscle stimulation
Project No.: BG10#031
Analysis of gases and vapours in the rubber industry, part II
Project No.: BG11#011
Development of a gaschromatography measurement technique for determining the content of hexane in the air at the workplace
Project No.: BG18#004
Investigating skin diseases and the effectiveness of means of skin protection
Project No.: BG18#023
Measurement of aerosol and particle size distribution in order to assess health damaging effects and filter system designs
Project No.: BG18#026
Analysis of substances contained in flour with GC/MS; HPLC/MS - determining of pesticide residues
Project No.: BG18#027
Constructing an explosion protection expert system
Project No.: BG18#028
Study of the situation regarding symptoms and spinal strain in the bakery trade
Project No.: BG18#030
Spectral Elektromyografie(EMG)-mapping in the lumbar region and EMG-polygraphy of the functionally important trunk muscles during systematised lifting tests
Project No.: BG18#031
Methodical investigation concerning the application of spectral elektromyografie (EMG)-mapping and seating area pressure distribution at computer screen work places
Project No.: BG18#032
Quantitative analysis of strain factors when lifting and carrying from defined reference movements
Project No.: BG18#033
Topography of the activation of the lumbar back muscle system at the computer screen workplace
Project No.: BG18#034
Spectral EMG-mapping, surface EMG-polygraphy, movement analysis and determining ground unit stress during systematised lifting test with defined trial groups with and without back support belts
Project No.: BG18#035
Comparative analysis of different methods for quantifying strain during lifting and carrying
Project No.: BG18#036
Developing a programme for skin protection training in small companies
Project No.: BG18#037
Model plan for determining occupational health risks in the meat industry
Project No.: BG19#004
Occupational strain and appearance of musculo skeletal attrition in bricklayers in comparison with joiners and painters and decorators: a combined orthopaedic, epidemiological, occupational scientific and bio-mechanical longitudinal study
Project No.: BG21#001
Establishment of a model for integrated regional work protection (MIRA)
Project No.: BG21#002
Older employee risk groups in the construction industry - level 1 - influence of age on the incidence of accidents
Project No.: BG26#004
Training profile and pilot seminar for safety co-ordination corresponding to building site directive 92/57/EEC
Project No.: BG27#003
Conditions and concepts for qualifying and testing the arrangement of a user-friendly workplace in tunnel construction (model plan tunnel construction teaching and test institute)
Project No.: BG28#012
Joint project "implementation of DIN/ISO 9000 ff for the introduction of quality assurance systems in small and medium sized companies" part project "construction industry - working party E: environment and work protection
Project No.: BG28#018
Improving working conditions in the building industry; development and testing of new forms of organisation and co-operation
Project No.: BG28#024
Accompanying test of hygienically relevant micro-organisms during soil redevelopment on the site of the Sächsische Olefinwerke AG in Böhlen
Project No.: BG28#028
Elaboration of activity instructions for applying the EU- building site directive during the planning and carrying out of underground building work
Project No.: BG28#030
Analysis and assessment of reaction products from explosives on shooting with hand guns at shooting ranges
Project No.: BG31#003
Work place safety and health protection in the inland waterway transport system
Project No.: BG35#004
Rehabilitation of hairdressers with eczema of the hands
Project No.: BG36#002
Prevention of skin diseases in the hairdressing profession - Part plan 3: secondary individual prevention in hairdressing companies
Project No.: BG36#008
Prevention of accidents on the way to or from work or when travelling on work-related business in medical/dental practices
Project No.: BG36#032
Prevalence of spinal complaints with office employees - a cross-sectional study
Project No.: BG36#036
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