Software for the selection of hearing protectors
Source: IFA
The program proposes suitable hearing protectors according to the measured noise levels and the general conditions at the workplace. Allowance is made by means of correction values for the difference between the sound attenuation generally achieved in practice and the values measured in the laboratory.
The requirements of the German Ordinance on noise and vibration protection are observed. The program offers further options for selection (lower action value, maximum permissible exposure value, no derating needed for qualified use). The octave-band method can also be used for the selection of hearing protectors. The results can be sorted by type of hearing protector, product name or manufacturer. Requirements for signal audibility and support of communication are indicated by the codes W, X, S, V and E1 to E3.
In the current version 10.07 only minor changes have been made to the user interface and the database has been updated. Within the scope of the previous version 10.02 the date of validity of the EC type examination certificate has been stated for each hearing protector, should the certificate's validity be of fixed duration. New EC type examination certificates are valid for five years. Upon expiry, the holder of the certificate can apply to have it extended for a further five years by the notified body. Certificates issued prior to the introduction of this provision are valid indefinitely. Statement of a validity date is not therefore an indication of product quality.
For hearing-impaired persons, a new selection method has been made available that collects all hearing protectors that are especially suitable for persons in this group. This includes all hearing protectors with the marking X (extremely flat attenuation curve), products intended for use in combination with a hearing aid that has been certified for noisy work places, and custom-moulded earplugs which can be combined with an existing hearing aid (which is switched off in noise areas).
The software is made available for use for occupational safety and health purposes. Commercial use is not permitted.
Utmost care has been taken in development and testing of the program for the selection of hearing protectors. No liability can however be assumed, on whatever legal basis, for the correctness of the results.
The hearing protector selection program (13 MB) is available as a Windows installation package (MSI file, 6 MB) and as a self-extracting EXE file (download size 9 MB). Current version: program version 10.07; database last updated: 12 May 2021; language: German.
C:\Data\IFA\GHS is recommended as the destination folder. If the program is installed in a standard Windows target folder, it should be installed using full access permissions.
Earlier versions of the program must first be uninstalled by means of the Control Panel.
Find the limits of accessibility in the Declaration of Accessibility
The program for the selection of hearing protectors has been developed and is maintained by the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA).
Hearing protector selection program
(in German)
Ergonomics, Physical environmental factors
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