completed 12/1995
In the USA, the impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at the workplace is assessed by means of the CTPV (coal tar pitch volatiles). The CTPV represents the total dust component which can be extracted in benzene (or cyclohexane). In Germany, the indicator benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is measured for the purpose of assessment. The objective of the study was to ascertain the mean BaP concentration in the CTPV component, in order to permit conversion of CTPV values to BaP and vice-versa. This was also important for the development of a limit value based on a cumulative exposure to BaP ("BaP years").
The average benzo[a]pyrene component in the CTPV was ascertained by means of a literature survey and by new measurements. Measurements of CTPV and BaP were performed at workplaces (coking plant, refractory lining, loading of pencil pitch, foundry) for this purpose. BaP components of 0.7 to 0.95% were measured, corresponding to those in the literature. These values enabled the CTPV-based dose to be converted to a unit based upon BaP values with respect to the carcinogenic risk posed by the workplace.
The results of the project were taken into consideration in extrapolation of the cumulative BaP dose of 100 benzo[a]pyrene-years.
Further informations:
Arbeitsbedingte Gesundheitsgefahren, Gefahrstoffe
Catchwords:Messverfahren, krebserregende Stoffe, Belastung
Description, key words:Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), assessment procedure, limit values, doses