completed 09/2005
Power-operated revolving doors are installed both in plants and in public areas (shopping centres, banks, insurance companies). They are by definition machines, and are therefore subject to the requirements of the European Machinery Directive, 98/37/EC. Particular attention must therefore be given to potential hazards presented by entrapment, pinch and shear points between moving primary edges and the stationary counter and secondary closing edges, as the potential hazard presented at these points by the relatively high forces and velocities and the low perception of the hazard is very high, particularly for children and the frail. The objective is for the hazards presented by power-operated revolving doors to be reduced to a minimum in the future. New approaches will be found to the risk assessment of hazard points, and new sensor types (non-contact and tactile) will be employed. In addition, test principles are being developed which will be suitable for use in safety assessments of the power-operated revolving doors.
The first step involved assessment of the safety of existing revolving doors. Eighteen doors from nine manufacturers were assessed for this purpose. Twelve operators were advised to take their revolving doors out of service until their safety facilities could be upgraded by the manufacturers concerned. Close discussions were then held between manufacturers of revolving doors, operators, and the BG Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BGIA) with the objective of developing safety measures. In addition, risk assessments of specific hazard points and safety requirements for new revolving doors were drawn up in a working group with the involvement of manufacturers, state bodies, and the BGs. The BGIA has also drawn up test principles for the testing and safety assessment of revolving doors, and checklists for their maintenance and inspection. At the same time, Parts 1 and 2 of the DIN V 18650 standard, "Building hardware - Powered pedestrian doors", have been adapted to the safety requirements.
A checklist for manufacturers and test bodies was developed as well as a catalogue of measures by which manufacturers can identify hazard points and avoid or safeguard them. Also test bodies from Styrodur which enable the forces at pinch and shear points to be assessed easily and a test wedge which enables the safety of primary and secondary closing edges of a door to be assessed were described. In addition, a guide to power-operated revolving doors has been written in conjunction with the Structural objects BG expert committee which is to be used by operators, safety professionals or labour inspectors to assess the potential hazards presented by revolving doors. The work and findings were for the greater part included in the revision, now completed, of DIN 18650 -1,-2.
mechanical engineering
Type of hazard:mechanical hazards
Catchwords:risk assessment, mechanical hazards, accident prevention
Description, key words:power-operated revolving doors, perception of hazard, risk assessment, sensors (non-contact and tactile), test principles, safety assessment, 98/37/EC Machinery Directive, entrapment, pinch and shear points