completed 10/2008
The BGMG measurement system for exposure assessment of the German Social accident insurance institutions is used for the measurement and documentation of valid and quantifiable data relating to exposure to hazardous substances and biological agents at the workplace, and of the corresponding plant data. Sampling in plants is accompanied by systematic recording of a wide range of data. These data are included in the analysis and measurement report, are stored in the MEGA database of measured data relating to exposure to hazardous substances at the workplace, and are exploited for prevention purposes and during investigations into cases of occupational disease. The BGMG quality management system requires the reports and the associated documents to be archived for at least 60 years. The aim of the project was to create a documentation and search system in the BGMG for the accident insurance institutions which would provide direct access to the recorded exposure data. For this purpose, use was to be made of existing software modules and hardware and software configurations from the BGIA Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance, and of program modules from the MEGA database. Following successful implementation in the BG responsible for the leather industry, this system is to be offered to other accident insurance institutions within the BGMG.
Software and hardware requirements for the measurement services of the BG responsible for the leather industry were defined based upon the experience gained in the BGIA, where the documentation/search system is integrated into the organizational structure and workflow during BGMG processes. The documents to be archived were also defined and assigned to unambiguous icons. The software and the data selected specifically for the accident insurance institutions were passed to these institutions in the course of a pilot project. The data from the BGIA include, for example, BGMG forms (input forms, safety data sheets) and various handling protocols and reports (analysis and prepared measurement report). The accident insurance institutions now have the opportunity to feed measurement requirements, measurement reports, images, sketches, or plotted substance concentration characteristics from in-plant measurements into the documentation and search system. As a result, the procedures contain all BGMG documents. When the BGMG procedures are called up through the new documentation and search system, both the index of the MEGA exposure database and the documents can be accessed.
The BGIA software was passed to the BG responsible for the leather industry, together with the BGMG-DOK already documented within the BGIA. Further documents, such as measurement requirements and measurement reports, were assigned to the existing BGMG procedures by the BG responsible for the leather industry. Updates from the BGIA were performed successfully. The system functions reliably, all BGMG procedures and the corresponding documents were able to be documented traceably in BGMG-DOK. Following successful implementation in the BG responsible for the leather industry, this system is now being offered to all accident insurance institutions within the BGMG. With its documentation and search functions, BGMG-DOK constitutes a further instrument for quality-assured processing of data and documentation in the BGMG, supplementing the systematic recording of data by means of the OMEGA hazardous substance software, and the MEGA evaluation software.
-cross sectoral-
Type of hazard:dangerous substances, biological agents
Catchwords:information system, (digital) information processing
Description, key words:recording of operating and exposure data in the BGMG, dokumentation of OMEGA core documents, research in OMEGA core documents in the MEGA structure