completed 12/1996
Large number of occupational skin diseases in the hairdressing trade which force employees to give up the profession. Goal: hairdressers with occupational skin diseases should be instructed through well directed medical and educational intervention to develop individual problem solving strategies and the ability to deal with the problem, in order to enable them to remain in the profession.
Combined behavioural and proportional prevention; participants: 215 hairdressers with skin diseases who are still employed in the hairdressing profession; dermatological investigation, explorative interview to determine attitude, understanding and motivation; theoretical and practical seminar with exchange of experience; occupational advice at the workplace; concluding dermatological investigation, repeat seminar and discussion of the problems of introducing the measures after six months
The measures were on the whole very successful: success rate (remaining in profession) 81 % from 150 participants in the entire programme; evaluation of individual measures not possible; prerequisite for the necessary change in behaviour is not attitude but willingness to change attitude; group care is more effective than individual care
Schwanitz, H.J.: Prävention chronischer Friseurekzeme. Allergologie (1993) Nr. 10, S. 408-412
health service
Type of hazard:Gefahrstoffe, arbeitsbedingte Erkrankungen
Catchwords:Prävention, Schutzmaßnahme, Berufskrankheit
Description, key words:Behavioural and proportional prevention for hairdressers with skin diseases